Friday, February 4, 2011

Veterans Listen Up.

February 4, 2011

Harlingen, TX

We will witness a veterans historical event on Friday February 25, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. The occasion will be the GRAND OPENING OF THE AMBULATORY & OUT PATIENT SPECIALTY SURGICAL CENTER.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison will be the keynote speaker. Julian Alvarez of her office has confirmed that she will indeed participate. She should since she has been instrumental in getting the funding and moving the program. Hutchison told veterans back in April 2009 at a ground breaking event, that the new construction was the beginning of the end toward a full service medical center (VA hospital). Her words were that the proposed expansion was like a “down payment” toward the final goal of making the dreams of many veterans come true. In October 2010, the valley’s Congressional delegation called this expansion Phase I and that it would signal the beginning of Phase II. Work toward that goal of a full medical center would commence once the Surgical Center was formally opened.

So, February 25, 2011 will mark the opening of the Surgical Center at 2601 Veterans Drive with a ribbon cutting ceremony. For veterans it means that Phase II should start toward the end goal.

As many know, veterans have been asking for a full service medical center for the past 5 decades. Many have gone to their grave without seeing their dream come true. How many more will pass away until indeed we do have one?

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Lt. General Eric Shinseki was scheduled to appear. Veterans had send him letters expressing the need for him to come to south Texas and listen to the veteran’s

request for a full medical center at the site of the newly constructed Surgical Center.

This event was scheduled for January 21, 2011 but was cancelled because invitations did not go out to elected officials in time. Most of them informed that they were committed for that day and had conflicts of interest with Congressional business in DC.

Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos and Senator John Cornyn were not invited. Both of them have been very helpful and supportive of veteran efforts to get these services.

Harlingen, TX

The new Ambulatory and OutPatient Surgical Specialty Center saw its first patient on January 18, 2011. So the new surgical center is up and running. All it needs now are patients. It’s a huge and beautiful building. Attend the grand opening and see for yourself. There is indeed enough room to expand it to full medical service center.

Weslaco, TX

The selection of officers for the Veterans Alliance will be held during the next meeting to be held in February 14, 2011. It was agreed to at the December meeting that selection be postponed until the grand opening of the new clinic. There are some matters pending that require continuity of effort and no one wanted to jeopardize the momentum that we have going. But since the date was changed and is rescheduled there are some veterans pushing for new officers.

McAllen, TX

The Veterans Alliance movement has been side tracked and is concentrating more on the LZ Event. Little discussion or activity is discussed concerning what is happening with the VA hospital issue. This should not be the case. The only purpose of the Veterans Alliance of the Rio Grande Valley ad hoc committee is to work toward getting a VA hospital. There is work to be done but the focus is on that event. The question is how to set priorities. The Veterans Alliance needs to get back on track. If members feel that we have accomplished our goals than it should be dissolved.

Austin, TX

State Rep. Mando Martinez has filed HB 55 which calls for Texas to allow that Texas Enterprise Fund to be utilized for veterans hospitals. The Veterans Alliance has not followed up on this and has no strategy to try and help Rep. Martinez gather support for its passage. Veterans need to provide him with information to justify the bill. His staff has asked for help, but there has been no follow up on this.

Here are some photos of the new building:

Top Inside the front lobby. Below this is the garage adjacent to main building.

These photos may give you an idea of the facility. But it would be better if you actually came by and tour it on the 25th of February.

Harlingen, Tx

The Under Secretary of Health at the Veterans Health Agency of the Veterans Affairs, Dr. Robert Petzel will be representing the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Congressman Cuellar’s office was instrumental in getting someone from the VA’s national office to come down to the event. Senator Cornyn’s office also inquired about a representative from the national office to attend the event.

Congressman Blake Farenthold also has indicated that he will attend the event. His Washington Office has confirmed that his schedule includes a visit to Harlingen, TX on February 25th. He will also be in the area to attend the Charro Day Festivities in Brownsville.

Veterans have asked the VA to invite, Texas Land Commissioner, Jerry Patterson and Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos to participate in the ribbon cutting event. Another person that should be invited is General Eric Cisneros, US Army Retired to represent the military forces. All three are strong supporters of a VA hospital for the area. And they have met with the Veterans Alliance.

Ana Garcia, Regional Director for Senator John Cornyn has indicated that the senator will be in Texas on that day in Austin attending an event for cadets entering our military academies. But since he was not invited he will probably not attend and she will have to do the honors of representing him at the event. This is a sad day that the local VA administrative staff did not invite him, when he has been a staunch supporter of full medical services for veterans.

Harlingen, TX
Veterans are making plans to donate a United States of America Garrison flag to the Harlingen Fire Dept. The flag will be flown in front of the new Surgical Center at the ribbon cutting. It will be hoisted with one of the HFD ladder trucks. It will serve as a guide for those out of town folks. We are hoping for good weather.


US Congresswoman Micelle Bachmann, (R) is suggesting that in order to balance the budget one item to be looked at is that of the veterans receiving disability benefits. She wants to stop those payments if the veteran is also receiving Social Security Disability benefits. The VA benefits check for a 100% disabled or an Unemployable Individual is larger than the SSD check. It will definitely put a hurt on many veterans. This is a direct attack on veterans by the Tea Party and it appears that they want to sacrifice the veteran over this budget issue. What they should do is stop all Wars. Then there would be no veterans. And, in all likely hood, no U S of A. Many veterans feel that this cannot happen to the veterans. But remember they said the same thing about the Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) on Veterans and Elderly checks. It passed and it’s been two years now. And again in 2011, there won’t be one.

The state of Georgia passed a law that requires that the Driver’s license of veterans diagnosed with PTSD be posted/noted on the driver’s license. I guess it’s just like the exemption for glasses right now. But identifying those with PTSD will face more scrutiny. When a disabled veteran that has PTSD presents his Georgia driver’s license for identification purposes whomever sees the license will know that the holder of that license has PTSD. PTSD has been associated with deranged people that have committed heinous crimes and are a danger to society. Veterans, especially those that served in Vietnam know what it is to be scorned by America when identified as such.This type of law should not be allowed to pass in Texas. Veterans will be affected.

It has been confirmed that the Under Secretary of Health at the Department of Veterans Affairs will be attending the ribbon cutting ceremonies of the new Surgical Center in Harlingen on February 25. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson has also indicated that he will be present on that date. This is important news for veterans because veterans have been advocating for a full service medical center for south Texas for a long time. Part of the results of those activities was the creation of expansion of the clinics in the valley. From McAllen it spread to Harlingen where we have another clinic. Adding to that will be the new Surgical Center which has been identified as Phase I. This activity is at the federal level. Now at the state level, veterans have been advocating that the state of Texas help in bringing a full service medical center to south Texas. Legislation was proposed and passed (Proposition 8) to allow the state of Texas to provide funds for the construction and maintenance of hospitals for veterans in the state. And here is where the Texas Land Commissioner comes in. He is a very powerful person. He is in charge of the Texas Land Commission, the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Texas Emergency Technology Fund. These funds could be tapped to provide monies for ancillary service support. Monies for modern equipment, technology, beds, etc. to complement the VA and let them concentrate in maintaining the medical staffing and daily operations of a full medical service center. This is because the state cannot purchase land for another building.

This would require a partnering of state and national resources. The state of Texas has passed resolutions requesting such action. It passed and was signed by the governor.

This might be wishful thinking but veterans have the opportunity to make their case before two of the individuals in position to make it happen.

Veterans have to get back to working on getting a full service medical center and not get involved in other issues that take time and energy from these efforts. This issue must be at the forefront of all Veterans Alliance meetings. Commissioner Patterson has already met with the Veterans Alliance this past summer. He wants to help. He is a veteran having proudly served in the Marine Corps.


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