Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Independence Day 2012

Once again the Valley enjoys another Patriotic Day--The Fourth of July, Independence Day.  Memorial Day celebrations are still fresh in our mind.  And plans are being made to celebrate Veterans Day.

In south Texas there are over 110,000 veterans in an area that encompasses from Corpus Christi toward Laredo and everything south of that imaginary line. Among them are many veterans war veterans. Men and women who have stood tall and defended our great nation. All should join the brotherhood of Armed Forces veterans in an effort to bring a Full Medical Service Center to the valley.

Much has been done in the past five years that many feel that a VA hospital is within reach.  But, we need a more agressive efforts now that we know where to go.  And, that is straight to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and their new Strategic Capital Investment Plan 2012.  This plan implemented last year will serve as a blue print for all VA future medical construction.  We need to let him know that we need a VA hospial in south Texas and thata the opportunity lets itself by expanding the new VA Surgical Center in Harlingen.  This will be the most cost effective route to take. 
You can help these proud Heroes.  By joining them in their efforts.